Atis Euro Top, created with Visco-Therapeutic mattress foam has been developed by NASA in conjunction with the space program to help astronauts absorb enormous G-forces a lift-off and re-entry. The mattress is designed specifically to conform to an individuals body and relieve the pressure of the tremendous forces of gravity.
- It is designed to conform to the natural S-shape of your spine providing ideal sleeping posture.
- Recommended by Orthopaedics and psychotherapists in all kinds of spinal injuries.
- Chiro practitioners also advise for Visco-therapeutic mattress
- Reinforces spine support therapy
- Provides long-lasting comfort and snugness
Made with a multi-layer of
- Thalate free memory foam quilt in imported knitted fabric
- Thalate free, memory foam Visco Elastic foam layer
- HR PU foam layer
- Rebonded layer and lastly, knitted imported fabric with soft fabric.
Dreams memory foam mattress are manufactured using temperature sensitive material. This allows the mattress to adjust to the sleeper’s body heat and weight.
Some of its advanced features:
- Made up of inorganic fibres
- Prevent dust mites from setting in
- Anti-allergic
- Anti-fungal
- Anti-bacteria
- Anti-fungi